Let’s Go Phils!

So it’s finally happened. After eight years in Arizona, the Phillies are playing the Diamondbacks for the National League championship. I don’t know whether to cheer or dread it. I admit, I’m a “bandwagon” fan. I guess this goes back to the days of the ‘64 Phils. Those who are old enough or from Philly will know what I’m talking about. Aside from 1980 and 2008, the Phillies have always had a knack for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. last year 1993, and 1983 were especially heart-breaking, not to mention a dreadful playoff game against the Dodgers in the 70s when it rained almost the entire game. They should have delayed it but that’s another issue entirely. Anyway, I bring this up because Les and I are going to the game next Friday night.MFSB: T.S.O.P. (The Sound of Philadelphia)

Yes, crazy as that sounds, and the night before our going away party, we’re going to subject ourselves to sheer joy or abject torture. Yet, this might just be our last chance to see baseball in America for years to come. Our last two games were in Japan, which were fascinating sporting, if not cultural, experiences. Those deserve an entire blog post unto themselves but you can be sure that this playoff game could be memorable. I’ve never been to a baseball playoff game. I went to a Sixers playoff in the 80s at the old Spectrum. We had really good seats and after went to the Overtures Lounge with the VIPs. I can’t remember who they played, though. I only recall that my friend Lisa drank way too much and vomited in my car on the way home. My brother Joey and I went to a Flyers playoff in 2001 against the Buffalo Sabres at the then-new First Union Arena (also known for a time as the “F.U.” Arena). As I went to get beer, Joey came running back to me, breathlessly relaying the tale of an all-out, bloody brawl between a few Buffalo fans and a gang of Flyers fans. I wasn’t surprised, but I did caution Joey to stay out of it.

I hope we won’t run into any of this drama at Chase Field next week. There are a few Philly natives that live in the area judging by the attendance at Temple University’s alumni events. Maybe the Arizona heat will keep us all more mellow and considerate…or not. Regardless, it should be an enjoyable way to end our stay in Arizona.

MFSB: T.S.O.P. (The Sound of Philadelphia)

Elton John: Philadelphia Freedom

Hall and Oates: Fall in Philadelphia


The sabbatical starts now


This Is The Day