Mexican food in El Clot
One of our favorite eating spots is a Mexican place in the oddly-named (to American ears) El Clot neighborhood: La Taqueria. Fabulous refried beans, great nopal tacos, and always some kind of out of the ordinary special for the day. This is another stumble-upon, one of those places we stumbled upon while doing something else. In this case, we had to go to our local post office to pick up a package, which so happened to be in El Clot, and this was the first we ever heard of this neighborhood, then on the walk back from the post office to the tram, we ran into this place. I love these random discoveries!
This hood also has a lot of the mysterious Barcelona Dog - still I have no idea what the story is here. Is it a single person pasting these all over Barcelona? Or is it a group of people? Or an unorganized guerrilla effort, where anyone who gets the urge can print up and paste up one of these adorable doggies?
Jim was sweetly patient as I wandered around taking many, many pictures, until we both got hungry and gave in to the taco cravings.