Got it

Today is a strangely misty day, making for great photography weather. Very soft barely-there shadows, no glare, and great sense of depth. It is not foggy though, just thickly hazy, but without any real clouds. You are able to see the disc of the sun through the haze, not something you can see with an unprotected eye too often.

I have been trying to get a picture that conveys the way the Sagrada Familia looms over Barcelona. It is one of those iconic skyline shapes, like the Empire State Building or the Transamerica Pyramid. But not only does it physically and visually loom over the city, it takes up a lot of mental space too, overshadowing much of the other stunning architecture of Barcelona.

Earlier today I took this picture and I love the way the Sagrada Familia is not immediately the obvious focus of the composition, and at first a viewer may not even notice it is there. But keep looking at the picture for a while and that sense of looming over the city takes over. I am happier with this picture than just about anything I have taken so far since we moved here!


Bullet Point Thoughts