A walk through El Born
A few days ago we took a walking tour through El Born, and naturally I took some pictures. Check them out while they’re fresh!
A typically skinny street in El Born. This reminded me of the Japanese television show Sunshine Sento Sake, where the main character would see a smokestack and know there must be a sento nearby. Sadly, there are no sentos here, but you can’t have everything!
Another typically skinny street. It is like being in a corn maze, but with buildings, and no rednecks.
This is one of the most stunning finds we have made. This structure was a market, then recently ruins of the city from the 17th to 18th century were found buried here. The archaeological dig is inside the old market building, and it has been possible to name what families lived where based on existing historical records!
And again with the Catalans and poop.
With that, this post ends. Until next time.